(part 2 in a series of 3 posts)
Post 1 – The 3 Treasures: Mind, Body & Spirit
Post 2 – The 5 Pillars of Health
Post 3 – The 8 Dimensions of Wellbeing
In recent years, more hospitals, wellness centers businesses, and other groups have begun to acknowledge that there is some relationship between the food we consume, exercise, management of stress, social relationships, and sleep hygiene, collectively referred to as the “5 Pillars of Health.” These components can exist in harmony to play parts in overall health and well-being. With this realization, we can see from the graphic below how the many sub-categories that are now thought to be parts of wellness build upon the original concept of mind, body, and spirit.
The 5 Pillars of Health are a great segway from the 3 Treasures of the mind, body, and spirit. All aspects of society and culture evolve over time. It only makes sense that some ancient philosophical concepts will also continue to evolve over time. Thousands of years ago, nutrition might not have been viewed as good or bad, but rather as great to just have enough food to survive. Exercise may have not been so trendy, whereas again survival might have dictated the types of activities that people engaged with (ie. hunting, running, swimming, lifting dragging, etc.). While people have been coping with stress for as long as humans have existed, we have not diagnosed it as such up until recent decades. Social connections and sleep are again areas that had not really been considered to affect health that much, until more recently.
Food and Diet:
Sleep or Sleep Hygiene:
The 5 Pillars of Health may seem like common sense to many. However, many people of all ages do not understand these pillars to be fundamentally important to overall better health and well-being. More than in other periods in the US, more Americans are suffering from disease and illness that can be managed through implementing these concepts of the 3 Treasures and the 5 Pillars of Health.
2023 Annual report. (2023). In American Public Health Association, America’s Health Rankings. https://assets.americashealthrankings.org/app/uploads/ahr_2023annual_comprehensivereport_final2-web.pdf
I teach and offer lectures about holistic health, stress management, qigong, tai chi, baguazhang, meditation, phytotherapy (herbs), music for healing, self-massage, and Daoyin (yoga).
Please contact me if you, your business, organization, or group, might be interested in hosting me to speak on a wide spectrum of topics relative to better health, wellness, and fitness.
I look forward to further sharing more of my message by partnering with hospitals, wellness centers, VA centers, schools on all levels, businesses and individuals that see the value in building a stronger nation through building a healthier population. I also have hundreds of FREE education video classes, lectures and seminars available on my YouTube channel at:
Mind and Body Exercises on Google: https://posts.gle/aD47Qo
Jim Moltzan