Migraines – Triggered by Bright Light

July 18, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Bright light can be a triggering factor for migraine headaches in some individuals. The underlying physiological mechanisms are not fully understood, but several theories have been proposed to explain this relationship.

One theory suggests that the visual cortex, the part of the brain responsible for processing visual information, becomes hyperexcitable during a migraine attack. Bright light, particularly certain wavelengths such as blue light, can stimulate the visual cortex and lead to an overstimulation of the neurons, triggering a migraine episode.

Another theory focuses on the role of the trigeminal nerve, a major cranial nerve involved in migraine pathology. It is believed that exposure to bright light can cause the trigeminal nerve to release certain neuropeptides, such as calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), which are known to be involved in migraine pain signaling. The release of these substances may trigger inflammation and dilation of blood vessels in the brain, leading to a migraine headache.

Additionally, people with migraines often have heightened sensitivity to light, a condition known as photophobia. This sensitivity can cause discomfort and pain when exposed to bright light, making it a potential trigger for migraine attacks.

It is important to note that not all individuals with migraines are sensitive to bright light, and triggers can vary widely among individuals. Migraine triggers can also include other factors such as stress, certain foods, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, and environmental factors. Therefore, the relationship between bright light and migraines can be complex and may vary from person to person.

If you experience migraines triggered by bright light, it can be helpful to manage your environment by wearing sunglasses, using tinted lenses, or reducing exposure to bright screens or lights when possible. Consulting with a healthcare professional or a headache specialist can also provide personalized advice and treatment options for managing migraines.

Personally, I have managed headaches for many years varying from migraines, stress-related and triggered from allergies to food and environment. I am not a medical doctor nor claim to be. However, I have found that with the physical and mental practices of qigong/yoga, tai chi, martial arts, meditation and other mind & body practices, I can not only prevent debilitating headaches, but be more self-aware so as not to contribute to the triggering of such ailments. Acupressure has also brought me much benefit for myself as well as my clients as well (see my graphic below).


Bluebird, O. &., & Bluebird, O. &. (2021, May 5). Discovering your migraine triggers with Migraine Buddy – Migraine Buddy. Migraine Buddy – Track Your Headache and Migraine – Find your Triggers and Relief – -Take Control. https://migrainebuddy.com/discovering-your-migraine-triggers-with-migraine-buddy/

Light sensitivity at EVERY stage of a migraine attack. (n.d.). TheraSpecs. https://www.theraspecs.com/blog/light-sensitivity-migraine-attack-stages/

I write often about topics that affect our health and well-being. Additionally, I teach and offer lecture about qigong, tai chi, baguazhang, and yoga. I also have hundreds of FREE education video classes, lectures and seminars available on my YouTube channel at:


Mind and Body Exercises on Google: https://posts.gle/aD47Qo

Jim Moltzan





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