The Overview Effect, a Cosmic Perspective of Just How Minute Humanity is

January 19, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Author Frank White first introduced the “overview effect” in his 1987 book “The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution”. White had interviews with dozens of astronauts regarding their time in space, finding that many of them had experienced an alteration of their consciousness upon viewing the Earth from such a unique and distant perspective. White explained that the overview effect as being a “state of cognitive dissonance” where astronauts are faced with recognizing the reality of their existence as being a small part of a immense and interconnected universe. This immediate understanding can manifest into various cognitive changes such as:

  • A sense of astonishment, sublime and wonder: Some astronauts have commented about being overwhelmed by seeing the beauty, as well as fragility of the Earth when viewed from outer space.
  • An increased sense of interconnectedness: Some interviewed astronauts have reported experiencing feeling a deeper connection to all life on Earth as they have come to view humanity as but a single species instead of separate races, countries, or groups.
  • A re-calibration of priorities: Those astronauts that have experienced this effect have commented that they often feel a newfound appreciation for the importance of being good stewards of our environment, as well as nations needing to work together for the benefit of the Earth as a whole.

Coincidentally, television space traveler William Shatner of Star Trek fame, did travel in 2021 into space with the invitation from Blue Origin and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. Shatner too did experience this phenomenon of overwhelming emotion and realization that the Earth, as most of us know it, is not all that we think it is, as sometimes being the center of the universe. Instead, Shatner and others have come to truly see the Earth as a small part of the universe.

As space travel and exploration becomes more feasible as a reality for non-traditional astronauts, travel off-planet may be another method to achieve some level of ego death. This paradigm shift could possibly lead to a more caring, peaceful and perhaps sustainable future for all of humanity. Ego death is a realization that someone comes to understand that they are not truly the things that they may identified with. Examples of this would be the brilliant doctor who becomes injured and must surrender their control to another to possibly save their life. In this discussion of the overview effect, an individual who sees the Earth in perspective to the rest of the universe, might experience their own ego death as they become humbled by seeing the brilliance of the universe.

To think that this on Earth is all that there is, I find to be quite narrow-minded as well as narcissistic. While standing on the Earth and gazing up at the night sky with no surrounding light pollution, have you never felt a similar type of overview effect upon seeing literally an infinite number of stars?


The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution, 3rd Edition. (2014, December). ProtoView.

Koren, M. (2023). Seeing Earth from Space Will Change You. Atlantic Monthly331(1), 22–25.

Meijer, Dirk. (2014). The Universe as a Cyclic Organized Information System: John Wheeler’s World Revisited. NeuroQuantology. 13. 10.14704/nq.2015.13.1.798.


I teach and offer lectures about holistic health, stress management, qigong, tai chi, baguazhang, meditation, phytotherapy (herbs), music for healing, self-massage, and Daoyin (yoga).

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Jim Moltzan



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