If Only I Could Read Your Mind

April 12, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

I think we have all thought at some point that it would be nice to be able to read someone else’s mind or know what someone is thinking just by looking at them. It has been the subject of many movies, television shows and comic books. However, with the inception of social media over the last two decades, some feel that we don’t really need to read someone’s mind, when we can just look at their profile and posts on Facebook, Twitter (X), Tik Tok or other platforms. A majority of people surveyed felt that they are concerned over having little control over companies collecting their personal data (Conerly, 2021). In spite of this some people post very personal and intimate information not only about themselves, but also their loved ones and friends.

I find it very ironic that almost daily there are discussions on news coming from Washington and legislators regarding our privacy rights, when so many people willfully offer up their private information on public forums. As artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing by the second, and becoming integrated within some social media platforms, there are many more opportunities becoming available for abuse and crimes. Online identity theft is making it more difficult to know if someone is actually posting their own words and images. With access to photographs, video footage and a few spoken words, software programs can re-construct this information into “deep fakes” where posts can be made available without permission from the person whose identity has been stolen (What the Heck Is a Deepfake? | UVA Information Security, n.d.). These issues will not be going away anytime soon, as culture and society constantly evolves and reacts in order to keep up with the ripple effects coming from new technologies. 


Conerly, T. R. (2021, June 3). 8.1 Technology Today – Introduction to Sociology 3E | OpenStax. https://openstax.org/books/introduction-sociology-3e/pages/8-1-technology-today

What the heck is a deepfake? | UVA Information Security. (n.d.). https://security.virginia.edu/deepfakes


I teach and offer lectures about holistic health, stress management, qigong, tai chi, baguazhang, meditation, phytotherapy (herbs), music for healing, self-massage, and Daoyin (yoga).

I look forward to further sharing more of my message by partnering with hospitals, wellness centers, VA centers, schools on all levels, businesses and individuals that see the value in building a stronger nation through building a healthier population. I also have hundreds of FREE education video classes, lectures and seminars available on my YouTube channel at:




Mind and Body Exercises on Google: https://posts.gle/aD47Qo

Jim Moltzan



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