Meditation for Kids – Plant Good Seeds

May 03, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

I especially like the idea of getting children involved in meditating at a young age. Teaching kids how to manage their own stress and well-being, is like planting good seeds with the intent of a giving them tools for a better future for them and everyone around them.

I researched that in China, children do meditate at the different age levels in school. It is also different in different schools. In some elementary schools, kids might meditate every day. In middle school they might twice a week. In some high schools, they might meditate once a week. I did find also, that in a particular primary school in Foshan, China, parents objected to meditation practices in place of nap time at school. The school was basically forced to remove the practice from the school setting. Maybe things in China are more like the US than we care to admit. Regardless, mediation practices have been part of many cultures for thousands of years.

Let us not forget, that in years past, recess and physical education (PE) were part of the school day from kindergarten through elementary school. High school students had PE every school day until graduation. Regular exercise has been known and proven to help manage stress and maintain better health and mental well being. Meditation is a mental exercise that can be accomplished in many ways. Aside from the still of sitting meditation that most people think of, there are also moving mediation methods such as walking, tai chi, yoga and qigong. Gardening can even be a type of mediation as some grade schools get the kids outdoors and get their hands in the dirt.

Remember, unhealthy kids quickly turn into unhealthy adults. The health of our people is directly affecting the safety of our nation. For the sake of our youth and ultimately our country, put PE, meditation of some sort, and health education back into the school system, as a priority and not just a minimal requirement.

References: to an external site.

I write often about topics that affect our health and well-being. Additionally, I teach and offer lecture about qigong, tai chi, baguazhang, and yoga.

For more info, contact Jim Moltzan at [email protected], 407-234-0119 or through my site at


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